Christian Living

God’s Compass

A simple dry magnetic pocket compass
Image via Wikipedia

In the days of the old sailing ships, the most important single bit of equipment on board was the mariner’s compass. And when we set off on our spiritual journey, we need a spiritual compass to keep us on the path towards home in spite of our confusion, failure, and sin.

Our compass does include our conscience, but is not limited to that. Good thing; in this fallen world, our conscience can be a an untrustworthy guide! True north is only maintained by the Word of God and prayer, the spiritual compass of our life.

Use the spiritual compass to enter into a personal relationship with God so that his love and will is revealed to you. “People shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” ( Mt. 4:4).

Use the spiritual compass to learn God’s will in your life. Although God speaks to us in various ways, the Scriptures are the one sure place where God reveals his will to us. And he does so in two ways:

  1. When we study God’s Word, he will reveal his will for our lives. He did this for Noah, Abraham, Paul, Moses… and he will do it for you. You might get a startling revelation or a series of small nudges over time, but he will tell you your path. (Gen. 12:1). And his guidance continues on, because as we pray and read the Bible, it will be clear that God is never ever finished with us, for he constantly extends and expands the horizons of our life.
  2. When we study God’s Word, it will help us to recognize his presence and to hear the promptings of his Holy Spirit,amidst all the loud roars of every day life.

Somebody said that the word BIBLE is an acronym for “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. I love it. The Bible tells us the incredible story of grace, of God’s power, of homecoming, and how to live our lives while we walk home to our Father.

Use the spiritual compass to grow in your prayer life and have a regular dialogue with God. Prayer and the Word of God go together, like a two-way phone conversation where we both listen and talk. The more we listen to the voice of God and understand what he wants to tell us, the more our prayer becomes inspired and deepened with the Word of God.