• Christian Living

    Shrinking Churches

    Yesterday I read two articles on why churches are shrinking in the United States. Both articles mentioned that Millenials are leaving the church in droves although they discussed different reasons for it. The article-writers took major exception to each other’s conclusions. Statistics and d-ed statistics aside, I found it interesting that neither article mentioned one big fat reason for the shrinking of the church: Satanic activity in the world. This has always been the case since the Fall. For centuries churches were full on Sunday mornings but Satan worked to lead people to think that as long as they were in church they were Christian. Pride and self-righteousness were other…

  • Christian Living

    Sow in Tears, Reap in Joy

    Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. She who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, Will return with songs of joy carrying sheaves with her. (Ps. 126:4-6) Look at this: first of all the passage starts in prayer. And it’s not a little prayer to restore their fortunes: It’s “like streams in the Negev.” The Negev is an arid desert and the streams are miracles of life-giving. The streams and river transform the desert landscape into carpets of flowers in the springtime and life-giving irrigation and drinking water year round. Note too that the person…