The Meaning of Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is a Christian celebrates Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, which occurs about a week before His Resurrection. It is mentioned in all 4 gospels, which makes it a very big deal indeed according to the Bible. Many churches across all Christian traditions celebrate the Triumphal Entry with palm leaves, sometimes tied into the shape of a cross. Churches without easy access to palm leaves may use other types of native trees as well leading to the occasional “Yew Sunday” or even “Branch Sunday.” Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. The city was crowded with Passover pilgrims and the people lining the route lay down their cloaks and small…
Belief AND Action
In iGoogle I have boxes for “Success Tips” and a daily Bible verse. When I opened up Google this morning I read the Success Tips thing first. It’s usually pretty good but this morning it said “What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.” I immediately said to myself “That’s dumb.” Because it absolutely matters what we believe — that we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and THEN we act on that belief. (Rom. 10:9) And then — get this — I read the daily Bible verse that I have beside it.…
High-King of the World
From an early medieval Irish legend called “The Evernew Tongue.” The legend itself is a little crazy but this excerpt in praise of God is beautiful, and the description of “the race of Adam” is sad and funny at the same time! “The race of Adam had its head in a bag” is still true today. It was the High-King of the world, who is mightier than any king, higher than any power, more fierce than any dragon, gentler than any child, more radiant than suns, holier than any saint, more vengeful than all men, more loving than any mother, the only Son of God the Father, it was he…