Moving Day
We will be moving into a new house a scant 1/4 mile away from this one. The original move was not my choice but I trusted God, and once I found the new place I clearly saw His hand over the whole thing. I’ll be awfully glad to have the move over with though — it’s a pain living out of boxes! Whenever I move I remember Abraham and his God-called journey, first out of Ur with his father and later out of Haran. Do you face change or an uncertain destination? Read “God’s Compass.”
Meditation: Walking on Water
“Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he was afraid and started to sink down in the water. “Save me, Lord!” he cried. At once Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him and said, “What little faith you have! Why did you doubt?” (Matt. 14:29-31) Oh, this is me! Noticing the strong wind all the time and sinking down. Crying out for Jesus and Jesus comes! But how more blessed it would be — how much more blessed I would be — if I kept my eyes on Him and only…
How to Use Your Senses in Imaging Prayer
First, read the story carefully. It won’t be necessary to remember all its details since the story will change when you enter it. But approach it with a sense of caring and anticipation. Now imagine yourself in the story and imaginatively use your five senses to set the scene. Ask yourself: What do I see? (Jesus, a crowd, a temple) What do I hear? (wind, voices, silence) What do I touch? (clothes, stone, skin) What do I smell? (spices, blood, ocean) What do I taste? (wine, food, salt tears) Now that you sense what’s around you as you enter the gospel story, let the story run itself. Don’t try to…