Your Spiritual Gifts
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:4) Natural talents are gifts that are born with us. They include such things as artistic, musical and mathematical talents, or talents for public speaking, dancing, construction, or athletics. Skills such as these will always come more naturally to those who are talented, though they are possible for people who lack inborn talent in a certain area to develop some basic skills in that area. Spiritual gifts are sets of supernatural skills that God gives Christians for the sake of witnessing in the world, and strengthening each other and the church as the Body of Christ. Natural talents…
Lectio How-To’s
With thanks to Fr. Luke Dysinger How to do Individual Lectio Reading. Prayerfully and slowly read the Bible until a word, phrase or verse speaks strongly to you. Silently repeat the word or phrase that attracts you. Don’t try to do Biblical interpretation: just quietly and peacefully repeat the passage to yourself. Meditation. Once you have gently memorized your word or phrase, ask “How does this word touch me? How does it touch what is going on in my life?” You can also enter imaging prayer (prayerful imagination) to see where the word takes you. Prayer. As answers or images begin to come to you, reflect on what God is…
5 Ingredients Needed for Your Personal Spiritual Growth
As Christians, we are called upon to set an example of what is good and pure in this world, so that people of other faiths will notice that there is something unique and different about the followers of Jesus Christ. “You are the light for the whole world….your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven” (Mt 5: 14 – 16). While, just being good Christians does qualify us to be “the light for the whole world”, it certainly does not provide us with a blanket permit for our light to “shine before people”. The intensity of…