Doing All Things-Including that To-Do List
The Lord just reminded me of something. I’m studying Philippians 4:10-20. Paraphrasing vv. 10-13, Paul writes that he knows the secret of being content in any situation, whether in plenty or in want: Here’s the secret: “I CAN DO ALL THIS THROUGH HIM WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH.” This is an important verse in the Bible, and one so many of us turn to when we feel that we just CAN’T anymore. And because Paul was writing to the church at Philippi about money, we naturally think about it in terms of finances. Sure, “plenty” is lots more comforting and fun. It’s easy to be content then. But it becomes equally…
Want God’s Answer? Stop Asking.
Lauren asked, I need prayers for clarity on next steps professionally, where I need to focus. I answered: I sure will pray for both things. The request for clarity is God’s timing (it always is) because I just shared a post and a video in the group about this very thing. My point in the post is Rom. 12:2, the famous verse about being transformed in our minds, goes on to complete both verse and sentence: In order to hear God’s will. We can’t hear him as well if we are not transforming to be more like Christ. Hearing God for clarity is important, He’s always guiding us. But to…
Reflections for Advent