Lectio How-To
“Know that the Lord is God.It is He who made us, and we are His;We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” (Ps. 100:3) Read this… and more. As you read it gently to yourself, ask what releases in your spirit? Or does sorrow enter, since you feel far away? Nothing is wrong; be aware of your feelings and thoughts and just give them to God. Then, pray the Scripture back to Him, something like this: “Oh Lord, I know you are God! You are my God, and I praise You. You made me and everything, and we are Yours. I’m Your sheep, good Shepherd.” Then, sit with the…
Where is God in Your Chaos?
He’s Right There. I led an imaging prayer session this morning. I love receiving the image the Holy Spirit wants my clients to experience, then leaving them in silence as they work directly with the Lord. Priceless. Today’s image was, as always, a surprise to me. (I don’t make these things up.) Today’s image started off in the chaos of a stock trading floor. I described the image, then left them to it to experience what the Holy Spirit had for them this morning. When the women shared their imaging prayers for interpretation, the Lord had removed some of them from the chaos into expansive peace. Others, including me, were…
Imaging Prayer Isn’t a Yes Man. Er, Prayer.
Imaging prayer (Christian contemplative prayer in the sanctified imagination) does great things in the pray-er’s life. Heh, forget “great things”, think “miracles”. The problem with talking about it though, at least for me as a spiritual director, is that a lot of people who are interested in it want to know its benefits. Of course they do! There’s nothing wrong with that. God’s Word is FULL of benefits, full of treasures and crowns: eternal life, poured-out blessings, answered prayer. These things are all true. It’s also true that imaging prayer can change your life, just like it did mine. God led me to the little book that started my journey…