• Doctrine,  Old Testament

    Miracles in Jericho

    Jericho was certainly where the Bible said it was in Joshua 5 and 6 – the tumbled walls are still there. The question was when did it happen? Some scholars think the city was destroyed over a century before the Hebrews got there. Now new evidence from studies of ceramics, royal objects, seismic activity in the region, carbon-14 dating, and the ruins themselves show new evidence that the city was destroyed when most scholars believe that the Hebrews arrived – about 1400 BC. ”When we compare the archeological evidence at Jericho with the biblical narrative describing the Israelite destruction of Jericho, we find a quite remarkable agreement,” Dr. Bryant G.…

  • Doctrine

    Theologically Conservative Church Growth Outpaces Liberal Growth

    Be careful here: “Liberal” and “Conservative” in this context has NOTHING to do with politics and everything to do with how literally you take the gospel message. Was Mary a virgin? Was Jesus born into the world both human and divine? Is Jesus God? Does the Trinity exist? Did Jesus die on the cross for our sins? Was he resurrected? Does he reign in heaven now and will he come to Earth again to judge the world? Does the Holy Spirit dwell in believers? Answer “Yes” to these questions and you are theologically conservative. (Or as I like to say, CORRECT.) Theological liberals may believe some of the above, but…

  • Doctrine

    Do People Really Come Back from Heaven?

    There are a number of books by or about people who visited heaven and came back. If they are Christian, or even innocent little ones, I have no trouble believing they were gifted with a vision from God. But actually landing in heaven? No, I don’t think so. That is because even a peek at God — or an angel for that matter — terrifies us. “What Hollywood gets wrong about heaven” by Drew Dyck