Christian Non-Fiction

Christian non-fiction tells thrilling true stories about the power of God — and how to experience the power of God in your own life!


In the late 1800s, thousands of Chinese women sailed to America’s West Coast. Many of them were enslaved as soon as they stepped off the freighters and were forced into prostitution.

American prejudice against the immigrant Chinese was ugly and strong, and many of these girls lost hope. Many of them died. But a few of them began to whisper about the “Jesus women.” The Jesus women were rescuing the Chinese slaves. If the girls could just get word to them… This book is a true story about the courageous Christians who risked everything to help free San Francisco’s brothel slaves.


What if you could live the Bible, right now, today? You can talk with Jesus, laugh and cry with Jesus, and come to know him more personally than you thought you ever could. The method is praying the Gospels, a very old form of Christian prayer: simple, powerful, and life-changing. Praying the Gospels can help you to personally encounter Jesus, experience healing and restoration, be strengthened in your faith, and break through your resistance to Christ’s work in you.


The Christian prayer of silence, where believers learn to hear God within the context of the Bible, has been around since the 4th century. The prayer of silence using the imagination — or imaging prayer — is newer to the Protestant Church. It’s time for a change.

Imaging prayer never replaces the prayer of praise, confession, petition or intercession. But it does enrich, impassion and strengthen our faith, just like God’s still, small voice did for Elijah on that lonely mountain long ago.