Christian Living

Peace, not Storms

“Activities and disciplines by swirl around us with such velocity that our feet barely touch solid ground.” (Jean Fleming)

Is it possible for Christians who try to live Christlike lives in the midst of a whirlwind of activities, demands, and responsibilities? Is it possible to thrive in the whirlwind while developing deeper, secret, inner lives?

Yes, absolutely it is.

Frankly, experiencing peace instead of a tornado takes its own hard work.

Ironic much? Not really.

This world militates against keeping a quiet and peaceful spirit. Achieving it is a combination of the grace of God and our desire for grace, and our willingness to practice the peace that He promised.

Because honestly, we lead such busy lives. Christians with a calling, as active business people or volunteers, lead as busy a life as anyone. You don’t even have to be a type A or workaholic to have responsibilities of a business or ministry, caring for children or others, church, hobbies, homes, and learning.

These are all good things! And they are certainly not mutually exclusive with your calling from God. Try telling your kids or your aging parents that they’re on their own for a week while you finish writing your business book.

So how, with all of our responsibilities, can we live a peaceful life? Not necessarily a quiet one. But a peaceful one?

The key answer to this question is, unsurprisingly, found in the Bible.

“Seek first the kingdom of God, and then all these other things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

When you are actively in the kingdom of God practicing worship, faith and trust, growing in the Lord, and obeying Him, then God rightly arranges everything else that you do. First of all, He urges you to drop things you’re not supposed to be doing. I don’t mean bad stuff, although there’s that; I mean perfectly good things that you’re not called to right now.

He’ll also draw you to the blessed work and calling He created you to do right now… if you know how to listen.

“God’s Holy Spirit lives in every believer. He is our counselor, tutor, and guide—our Director-in-Residence. But His voice is quiet, and our spiritual ears must be trained to listen for His instruction and leading.” (Jean Fleming)