Sneaky Spiritual Strongholds

When I researched the wording for “The Jericho Breakthrough” process, I interviewed several Christian women about what they thought when they heard the phrase “spiritual strongholds.” Most of them were familiar with the phrase, but not everyone was.
I explained my understanding of its Biblical meaning: an area of vulnerability and/or sin that has become so enmeshed in the mind that it interferes with your emotional, spiritual, even physical health. The supporting verse is: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2 Cor. 10:4)
Strongholds can be good things! As believers, we are in the stronghold—the fortress—of God. But when we say “spiritual strongholds” we usually mean obstacles or traps, such as strong senses of guilt, fear, shame, envy, or more. We are often not even aware of them, since they develop sneakily over time. For example, as far back as childhood, you might have made an agreement with the little voice that says, “You will always be rejected.” Or, “You will always be poor.” Or “What happened was your fault,” when it certainly was not.
These agreements, these demonic strongholds, become so enmeshed in our minds and hearts that they begin to feel normal, even correct.
My question: have you dealt with a spiritual stronghold in your life? How did you overcome it?
Please don’t feel that you have to name it if you don’t want to. But what steps have you taken that are helping you get free, that might help others in their journeys?