Spiritual Direction with Dr. Christine (Chris)Taylor
1-on-1 Christian Spiritual Direction
Can you hear the Lord? Are you listening to Him in the Bible? Because the Bible is the living and breathing word of God; He’s speaking if you know how to hear in the Bible and prayer.
Are you hearing Him in prayer? Or are you only hearing yourself? Jesus Himself told us to simply speak to God; and He illustrated that with the Lord’s Prayer. But are you also listening to Him through the voice of the Holy Spirit?
When you learn how to prayerfully meditate on the Word, and how to hear the Holy Spirit in the dreams and visions of the New Testament, then you’ll hear a lot–because God has a lot to say.
[Image: Image of Dr. Christine Taylor]
I’m Dr. Christine (Chris) Taylor

I’m an experienced spiritual director, speaker, storyteller, and author with a passion for guiding Christian women towards a more profound, listening connection with their Lord.
I combine my M.A. in Biblical Studies and my D.Min. in Spiritual Formation with the spiritual gifts of prophecy, discernment of spirits, wisdom, and knowledge. I work prayerfully with the Holy Spirit to communicate God’s voice to my clients, and to help them more clearly hear His voice for themselves.
- Deepen Your Faith: Develop a more intimate relationship with Him. Hear God better and act in His will with more Kingdom authority.
- Discover Your Calling: Find meaning and purpose in God’s loving will for your life. Understand how He wove together your deep values, natural talents, and spiritual gifts to create your unique identity and voice in the Kingdom of God.
- Seek the Will of God: If you’re in transition or have decisions to make, we’ll seek the will of God for you together. Know coming in that God may have something quite different in mind than you do. He knows what you really need and will provide it if you listen. My job is to listen carefully to the Lord and you, and help you hear His direction for yourself.
How Is Spiritual Direction Different from Faith Coaching or Faith Mentoring?
Faith coaching usually uses modern coaching models where the coach’s job is to ask the client insightful questions and help guide them to find their own answers. This works fine in the right situation.
Faith mentoring takes more of a teaching/pastoring model on the part of the mentor. They are there to give answers and share their God-given wisdom with their client. Again, this works fine in the right situation.
Spiritual direction has some cross-over with both. The difference is that spiritual direction does NOT depend on the client’s insight OR on my mentoring.
Spiritual direction depends on THE HOLY SPIRIT’S active guidance and will. My only job is to act as a mediator between my client (directee) and the Lord as needed. The Lord gifts me with prophecy and discernment of spirits, and with wisdom and knowledge to share AT HIS WILL ALONE.
And the Holy Spirit works directly with my client so she can hear Him… and having heard, recieve the power and will to act.
Please join me twice a month for 1-hour, 1-on-1 spiritual direction sessions. The monthly investment is $200 for twice-a-month spiritual direction sessions over Zoom. Once you sign up, we’ll find a regular appointment time to match your schedule.
I only take 7 spiritual direction clients at a time. If you’re ready to sign up today (yay!) please click here for the Paypal link and let’s get started!
Or reach out to me with any questions on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/chris.taylor.7146, via email at chris.taylor@doctorchris.org, or a Zoom connect request using https://calendly.com/dr-chris-discernment/coffee-connect-with-chris.
I truly am looking forward to talking with you, and to working with you even more!