Visionary Spiritual Direction with Dr. Christine Taylor

I’m Dr. Christine (Chris) Taylor. I have my MA in Biblical Studies and my D.Min. in Spiritual Formation. My spiritual direction rises from the Bible, contemplative Christian practices like listening prayer, and spiritual gifts of prophecy and discernment of spirits.

The Holy Spirit will guide us in His Word, prophetic visions, and words of wisdom. He may show you several things during the same session that don’t seem to come together. Then within the space of a single session or a few, He’ll reveal His amazing plan–and how everything he showed you comes together into a glorious whole.

What We’ll Do

  • We’ll practice imaging prayer, where the Holy Spirit works directly with you in prayerful visions. These are not daydreams or guided prayers: they are God Himself speaking peace and guidance into you through the sanctified imagination.
  • We’ll explore Christian breath prayer, body movement, and the role of sound in hearing God.
    Prophecy reveals God’s presence and specific plans for you. The Lord will give me visions for you, and He’ll give them to you too. I’ll ask what your learning style is and use that to personalize our contemplative practices.
  • Discernment of spirits enables you to recognize and respond to God’s voice, distinguishing it from personal or supernatural influences that are not from God.

Key Benefits

  • Guidance: Because I’m listening to both you and God, I tailor my guidance to your unique spiritual journey and needs. God may take you in a completely different direction than you thought He would, do I only listen for His leading—not mine.
  • Wisdom: When we ask for God’s guidance for you, we’ll receive it—even if it’s not the guidance you expected! Because sometimes He’ll ask you to walk in the dark for a while… but He’s your light, and He’ll bring you into wisdom and clarity when He knows you’re ready for it.
  • Healing: I don’t have the spiritual gift of physical healing. But the spiritual and emotional healing that come from hearing God often results in physical healing as well. No matter what, listening and acting on God’s word to you will help to ease suffering and regain the purpose He created you for.

What to Expect in a Session

We’ll meet twice a month for an hour each. We’ll start and end with prayer. I’ll ask you about  your life and where you see God working—or where He seems to be distant.

I’ll respond not in my own wisdom or experience, but with the word of God. We’ll meditate on Bible passages and practice imaging prayer, where the Lord will send you a vision and the Holy Spirit will work deeply within you. As God said, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17, quoting Joel 2:28)


‘Chris is truly gifted. If you have questions and are praying for answers, I encourage you to have a conversation with her. She has an intimate relationship with Father God, and uses imagery and pictures to bless, encourage, and help move others into a deeper relationship with God.

Chris has been an incredible blessing in my life.” (Meg Chlebek)

I have participated in imaging prayer with Chris several times, and each time the Lord shows up in such a powerful, loving way. It happens when I need Rhema word or experience to encourage me. Chris helps usher in the power of the Holy Spirit into the space. She sets the tone by reminding me not to force the experience, just let it happen the way the Lord wants to. She helps you get to a place of peace before you begin so the Spirit can flow. I highly recommend working with Chris and seeing what the Lord has for you! I always leave encouraged, and more in love with and connected with Jesus! (Lori Lewis Koors)

Let’s Get Started

Reach out to me and we’ll talk and pray over your decision. This is not a sales call. This is us listening together to God.

Are you ready now? Think so but not sure? If this is what God wants for you, He’ll give you the resources of time, finances, and energy.

As soon as Paypal has your payment of $200 for your first month, I’ll send you a link to schedule your first session. From there we’ll pick the best times for you every month. Blessings!