
Why I Love and Write Scary Stories

Some of you know that in addition to my Christian non-fiction, I also write… wait for it… CHRISTIAN SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS. Yes, it’s a thing! 🙂

I mention this because I thought for a while I should separate my fiction marketing from my non-fiction. Even though they’re both Christian, Christian women’s fiction skews to romance and historical fiction. This is why my best and oldest friends in this group don’t read my fiction books, LOL! Which is OK; defeating scary monsters isn’t their thing. 😀

However,… my fiction is part and parcel with my faith walk and my… um… dramatic approach to ministry. Because the Bible is chock full of the battle between good and evil, and the Book pulls no punches!

Lucifer falling from heaven, streaking through the sky in his ruin.


Princes of the air.

“Your battle is not against flesh, but against powers and principalities.”

Visions from God. Dreams. Spiritual battle.

Now, the Lord speaks to us in ordinary life! Jesus could have traveled around in a whirlwind I guess, and sometimes God “teleports” people. (Refer to Philip in Acts.) 🙂 But most of our life is lived solidly in the world; when Jesus became human, as well as God, He was a carpenter.

And also, the worker of miracles; the holder of divine favor; Himself the second Person of the Trinity.

And although He was trustworthy, gentle, and the children loved Him; He was also the great I AM. And when He said that to the crowd that had come to arrest Him, they all fell and hit the ground. He only withdrew His power because He came here to die… for us. Then to live again in the mighty Resurrection!

Our faith, the FAITH, isn’t sweet. The Comforter can be like a mother, when we need to rest He is there.

But just as often, perhaps even more, He is our general and our leader in the battle for the world. A battle the Lord and His people will win! But He is holding off victory until He wills it to come, and in the meantime, we fight.

We tend to talk about spiritual battle as if it were a sometime-thing. But it’s not. We were put into this world to fight for the kingdom. And here’s the beautiful thing: God gives all the strength, weapons, fellowship, power, and yes—joy and a sense of humor! — that we need for this glorious battle!

And when you read the Bible, it’s clear that God is awfully dramatic! Just look at the beauty, majesty, and grandeur of Creation. And read the terror and glory of Revelation!

And so, when I read and write fiction, I like the battle part. I like supernatural thrillers where God triumphs, as He always will in real life. My books use monsters in the flesh, because that’s close to the truth of a fallen world. And, always, God is infinitely stronger than the enemy.