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    Christian Entrepreneurs: Are You Looking in the Wrong Place?

    You want to do the right thing when you start and grow your business. You pray, read business books, go to conferences, practice, work with coaches and masterminds. These are all good and right things and I do them too! But Christian entrepreneurs often miss the first foundational step! Here it is: Working closely with the Holy Spirit to dig out the old sinful behaviors and deep vulnerabilities that threaten your business. God cares about your business! But He cares more about you. He will use your business as a leading edge of spiritual growth, and as you grow in Him, you will hear him more clearly and have more…

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    Elijah and the Still, Small Voice of God

    I use stories in my teaching and spiritual direction. Stories are powerful. And because the Lord Himself uses them, I think I’m in good company! Listen to me telling a story of Elijah from 1 Kings 18-19, and how you too can hear the still, small voice of God.

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    The Three Longings (Not Pain Points!) of the Christian Entrepreneur

    Marketing a thing depends on identifying a prospect’s pain or pleasure points. But what happens when the thing doesn’t involve pain or pleasure? What happens when the thing fulfills the longings of the heart? I was trying to create my video and flyer about the benefits of Christian imaging (contemplative) prayer for Christian entrepreneurs. Contemplative prayer with and without images is not new. The practice dates back at least as far as the fourth century Church. But when I’m trying to get people’s attention, i.e., market, I thought I was supposed to come up with three pain points, because that’s what attracts people, right? Right—except I couldn’t think of any.…