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    Walking Prayer

    I’m writing this blog on March 25, 2020, right smack dab in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. I’m in California, so have been socially isolated for a couple of weeks now. This is not a huge change in my lifestyle since I already work from home. But not being able to teach my Bible study, or go to church on Sunday, or see my friends, has been strange. Many of us are dealing with the social isolation by walking. But walking isn’t just for exercise, or keeping yourself sane in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Walking also helps believers to focus on God, listen more clearly, and pray…

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    Breath Prayers for Believers

    You know you love Jesus. You know you’re saved because of his great sacrifice. What you may not know is an ancient Christian prayer called “breath prayer”, and how it can help you to deepen your sense of the Holy Spirit’s presence. These are breath prayers: words from Scripture that fit into the space of a single breath. They are not verbal because you’re breathing while you’re praying. You pray the first short phrase while inhaling and finish the second phrase while exhaling. That’s it. Breath prayers do not replace classical prayers that Jesus taught. You go right on praising God, confessing your sins, petitioning for yourself, interceding for others,…

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    God Definitely Talks!

    I’ve taught on discernment and listening to God for years, and in the past couple of years have prayed through the process with a few other people. But I’m starting to build an online course on how to do this, and want to do a lot of extra research so I don’t miss anything. There are truckloads of books and articles that teach how to listen to God, and I felt overwhelmed. So just a few minutes ago I prayed, “Lord, please give me wisdom to know what I should teach in the course. Help me understand what I should say.” Then I went to biblegateway.com to start my Bible…